Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dean's Top 25 favourite albums of all time

Hi All


I have been a bit slack on the music output on facebook/blog recently, so to make up for it, I have decided to tackle a challenging topic – my favourite albums of all time. I love reading these sorts of lists, but to now have always resisted doing my own, quite simply because it is hard. Tastes evolve and change over time, and even the mood you are in at a particular moment can have a huge impact on the order that the albums are ranked it. So, I am going to open up my collection and music tastes for ridicule, and present a countdown of my top 25 favourite albums.


Here are my ground rules:

·         I must own the albums on the list (probably a no brainer – why would one of your favourite albums be something you don’t own?)

·         The list is a list of my favourites – not of “best albums” or “most influential” or “most groundbreaking”. Therefore, you will see a mixture of popular albums, critically acclaimed albums, more obscure albums and albums that might not be technically brilliant but I like. In some cases, I haven’t even chosen the best album by a particular artist.

·         As it is a list of albums – greatest hits, best of’s and the like are not eligible, although interestingly, I do have quite a lot of these sorts of albums in my collection.

·         Live albums can be considered eligible, although, without revealing too much, it is rare that a live album would be good enough to make it to the list (but just wait and see, you never know)

·         I haven’t necessarily invoked the rule that only one album per artist is allowed, but I must admit, I probably did have some thought for this in formulating the list. It would be a bit boring if the list contained the entire back catalogue of a prolific artist.

·         No set rules on number of albums per era – from my perspective, the release date of an album is irrelevant. The music is either good or it isn’t good!

·         All genres are eligible and indeed, I hope you consider the final list to be quite diverse.

·         I will reveal the list over time, when I get to it. Might list several albums in one go, or might keep you waiting ages for the next instalment. I have twins that keep me busy – I will get to it when I get to it.

·         Please feel free to share your views on the albums I list – positive or negative – I am interested in your views, but be gentle with my music tastes.


So sit back and enjoy the ride!

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